Beyond the Ordinary: Sa Giang’s Exquisite Shrimp Crackers Varieties

If you’ve tried Sa Giang – Dong Thap shrimp crackers, you’ll recall their irresistible taste: a perfect blend of firmness and crispness, with a delightful mix of shrimp aroma, Sa Dec rice flour sweetness, and a hint of spice that melts in your mouth.

As a pioneer in the export of shrimp crackers, Sa Giang has brought the authentic flavors of the Southwest area of Vietnam to the global arena. This unassuming delicacy, made primarily from locally obtained shrimp and wheat, has won the hearts of many customers worldwide.

To genuinely savor the true essence of this delicacy, customers ought to indulge in all of Sa Giang’s shrimp crackers. Each variety boasts its own unique personality and distinct flavor, making the experience truly worthwhile.

Shrimp Chips 

Since the 1960s, Sa Giang shrimp chips have acquired popularity in Vietnam. Locally grown and captured shrimp are the principal seafood items in Dong Thap province, featuring natural flavor, nutritional value, and a plentiful supply. Tapioca, an important agricultural product in Vietnam, also plays an important role in the process. All of these elements combine to produce the distinct and original flavor of Sa Giang shrimp chips thanks to the expert processing of Sa Giang’s experienced staff.

shrimp crackers

At present, within the Shrimp chips product line, Sa Giang provides a diverse range of offerings distinguished by the percentage of shrimp in their composition, as well as variations in color, shape, and size. 

Individual preferences are catered for with shrimp ratios ranging from 10% to 25%. Aside from the well-known round shrimp crackers, Sa Giang also offers rectangle pieces, which are great for culinary display, decorating, or as a base for a variety of recipes.


Crab Chips

The abundant nature of the Western region granted several delightful specialties to its people, one of which being crabs. This delectable dish is well-known throughout Vietnam for its solid crab meat and its recognizable and enjoyed sweetness.

Notably, crab serves as a noteworthy substitute for shrimp in Sa Giang’s puff pastry.

shrimp crackers

Sa Giang Crab Chips have a distinct and recognizable flavor that is painstakingly created from natural fresh crab meat supplied from the Mekong Delta. These chips have a delectable and distinct flavor, thanks to cutting-edge technology and sophisticated processing processes that stress food hygiene and safety. Sa Giang Crab Chips are a delightful and delectable alternative for parties, picnics, or kid-friendly eating.

Cuttlefish Chips

Cuttlefish chips are another exciting option for a seafood party. This seafood dish stands out for its sweet, soft, and chewy texture, as well as its high nutritional content.

shrimp crackers

Sa Giang’s Cuttlefish Chips are a delightful choice for seafood enthusiasts. Made from fresh raw cuttlefish and processed with modern techniques, we prioritize top-notch food cleanliness and safety. Rest assured, our high-quality Cuttlefish Chips meet international food safety standards. Whether it’s a party, picnic, or a beloved snack for kids, our chips offer a delicious and tasty solution.

Vegetable Chips

Sa Giang finds inspiration to create wholesome and exquisite vegetarian cuisine in the wake of the increasing vegetarian trend. Thus, the exquisite puff pastry enriched with a bounty of vegetables and fruits grows, a thoughtful offering for those who value balanced and wholesome cooking. This tasty present embodies both creativity and compassion, delighting the taste buds while embracing a harmonious connection with nature’s wealth.

shrimp crackers

Currently, the vegan product comes in three flavors: sweet potato, potato, and vegetable.

Make unforgettable memories with every bite as you savor the goodness of these crispy delights together. Choose Sa Giang today and create a culinary adventure for your family like never before!

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