Rich flavor from Sa Giang shrimp puff pastry soup

In a convenient location, located at the gateway of the Tien River, Sa Dec is blessed with an abundant source of shrimp and fish. Since then, the people here have made typical shrimp puff pastry products, especially Sa Giang shrimp puff pastry, a famous brand of puff pastry at home and abroad for a long time, which has been on the market since 1966.

In the South in general and Sa Dec in particular, Sa Giang shrimp crackers are often fried with salads or eaten. In addition, we can also use the microwave in Micropower mode to bake cakes, in a split second we have crispy, spongy, shrimp-scented puff pastry to use.

Besides, we can also change the taste for daily meals with shrimp puff pastry cooked with soup, bringing a new and more interesting feeling because of the toughness and flexibility of the cake made from tapioca starch; or a stronger flavor because the shrimp and spices in the cake make the user feel more appetizing and attractive, not as pale as the noodle soup, vermicelli … With a simple recipe, users can prepare it. How to quickly cook puff pastry with one wing soup as follows: boil the required amount of cake with boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes, then take it out into a bowl for ready-cooked soup with shrimp, meat, bean sprouts, and chives, and you’ve got it. instant shrimp puff pastry soup to enjoy.

What are you waiting for, let’s go to the department stores or supermarkets to buy a box of Sa Giang shrimp crackers to make shrimp puff pastry soup!

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